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Monday, September 26, 2011

Why you gots to get dressed in the morning.

Why? Because if you don't get dressed FIRST thing in the morning, after getting the kids off to school, and the chores done around the house, and after answering the door countless times, and finally getting dinner started....Wait dinner? Yeah, that is why you must get dressed first thing in the morning.  There are quite a few websites out there that promote organizing your life through routine.  I used to subscribe to FLY LADY, which was a good website for promoting house cleanliness, along with self care. The fly lady's rule was "dress to shoes each morning" meaning before you do anything else get dressed all the way to shoes, including make-up.  Does this help you out? Yes, I would say being dressed, hair done, and make-up applied does help a women to be more productive throughout her day.  This would work by have a business women ready to go to work each day, encouraging a timely arrival to work, no rushing around. Getting dressed first thing in the morning would also help a stay-at-home wife/mom to be ready to run errands at any given time, and be ready to answer the door. Most importantly it helps a stay-at-home to feel better about her self. How you ask? Because, can you feel ready for life when you look like this....
Or... you get get it together and look like this...

So it's a bit of an exaggeration, but really feeling good all day is so worth the few minutes it takes to shower and get ready. The day is yours seize it!

~Love, Monique

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