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Monday, October 24, 2011

I just finished the book...

Miss Minimalist: Inspiration to Downsize, De clutter, and Simplify. by Francine Jay. I read something that really stuck with me, that I wanted to share.

"Their very ephemerality is what makes cherry blossoms so special. They only bloom for two weeks each year--and sometimes less, if rain and wind strip their branches of petals prematurely.  We have no control over when they enter or leave our lives: we can only wait patiently for them to flower, appreciate every minute they're in bloom, and then watch the petals fall to the ground.  In fact, Hanami (cherry blossom viewing) can teach us much about minimalist living:

1.) Seek beauty in nature, rather than in stores.
You can't buy a beautiful sunset, a star-filled sky, or a field of wildflowers at the mall--nor can you wrap them up, take them home, and display them on a shelf.  Instead of filling your home with decorative objects, look outside to satisfy your desire for aesthetic beauty."
2.) Appreciate things without owning them.
Don't feel the need to acquire everything you fancy.  Be satisfied to "window-shop," and appreciate the beauty of a necklace or artisan vase--just as you would a spring flower--without bringing it home.
3.) Go with the flow.
Don't try to control the events, things, or people in your life with an iron fist.  You'll feel much happier, and more serene, if you let things happen of their own accord.
4.)Nothing lasts forever.
Recognize that you can't hold on to everything indefinitely, and that some of the most beautiful things in life are the shortest-lived.
5.)Let things go.
Chery blossoms fall at the height of their beauty, rather than withering on the branch.  Allow possessions to fall from your life in the same way, like petals scattered to the wind.
(For example: donate your wedding dress or heirlooms before they deteriorate in the attic.)"

~Quote, Francine Jay

Wow, that was so thought provoking for me! In America, and other developed countries as well, we have moved into an insta-world. We want things, and can buy them at a click of a mouse. Remember what is was like to wander stores and just browse things, you had no intention of buying, or could afford? Remember what it was like to want things, and then dream about them but the dream was all you would ever have. I think there is a reason people "long for the simpler times." I know I do....

If you want some easy to digest tips on how to simplify your life you should consider Francine Jay's book.  She's sell both a full book, and a full guide:
The Joy of Less, A Minimalist Living Guide: How to De clutter, Organize, and Simplify Your Life
Also if you own a Kindle you can purchase: Miss Minimalist: Inspiration to Downsize, De clutter, and Simplify[Kindle Edition] *Note this is the one I purchased it's only 0.99cents. It's all her blog-post in one guide. I thought it was a full-book. A very good deal.



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