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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Project 333

If your a frequent flyer of the blogger world, than you might already know of Project 333. If not let me explain.  A person, such as myself takes a pledge to only wear 33 pieces of clothes for 3 months or 333.  There is a small amount of rules, such as: Shoes count in the 33 items, as well as outer wear of any type including scarves or wraps.  What doesn't count in the Project 333 is under-garments of any variety, sleep clothing, and work-out clothing. The stipulation to workout clothing, is if you wear workout clothing throughout the day then it needs to be counted as part of the 33 items. If you only wear workout clothes to workout, then it will not count.  Let's just take a step back and think about this for a minute. If you wear workout clothing throughout the day? Why would someone do that? Okay I'm joking I'm a stay-at-home mom I totally do, but I shouldn't and neither should you!  I would rather look good everyday if only for my self. 

     How do you get started? Well the first thing I did was go through and put-aside all clothes that don't fit!  LISTEN to me! I'm screaming through my fingers, if the clothes don't fit, if they are one size to small and your HOPING they will fit soon, they cannot be in your closet anymore.  You will have three months and only three months to decide how important they are to you.  If any of your items are ill fitting, worn-out, have stains of any kind, or you simply bought an item on a whim and don't really like it (but you don't want to throw it out because it's new and was expensive) that too shall leave your closet.  You will now have 33 of the best, classiest, current, and form flattering clothes in your closet. If you set aside all the above mentioned clothing and you have two items left it is time to update your wardrobe.  If you have the money, please do it now. You owe it to yourself to have 33 items to wear for the next three months that make you look and feel good. If you do not have the money, but can go to a consignment shop or thrift store, you would be surprised at what wonderful, new, and well made clothing you could find! I have found some great clothing items in thrift stores. Nobody will know but you...and me!  If this is you, try Project 333...

Lovely example of dressing for your body and doing it with only 33 items! Awesome! Jeanine Byers Hoag is featured in these pictures, and her blog is: 30 Day Wardrobe Challenge

About All and Nothing at All: Showing pictures of Project 333.

So, why would you do this? If your new to minimalism and you LOVE clothes, why?  Well there are a million reasons so I'll name what's important to me.  First off the best dressed friends that I have had or still have, have never had tons of clothes.  My best dressed friends were dressed the best, because they knew what worked for them, and they wore only flattering clothes.  They had less cheap clothes that they didn't really even like, and a more items that were expensive, classic, and timeless.  They were expensive, not because there was a gigantic logo across it, but because they were well made. Also when you buy an expensive cashmere sweater and a cheap ROSS sweater which one do you take care of? What about cheap purses? How many of those are piled up in women's closest all over America. There cheap, dirty, and unused. If you add the cost of the cheap purses up, you could likely buy yourself one nice handbag (preferably in a neutral color IE. black, gray, brown, white).  If this is you, try Project 333...

How can you possibly make 33 pieces of clothing and shoes work for 3 months. Well look at the below pictures retrieved from The Saved Quarter, and was originally from REDBOOK.

As you can see from the above pictures, there are many ways a few clothing items can be worn. Even if this isn't your style, it's a universal concept.

     What about brand recognition and marketing? What about it, well if your new to minimalism you may want to consider why you buy certain brands. Do you really want to support a multi-billion dollar industry that is creepy and shallow?  Do you feel compelled to market products for a company that only charges you to market, instead of pay you? The more you start to minimize your home, the more you can recognize how wrapped up we can all get in the fast moving world of fashion trends.  Who Set's these trends anyway? I do not need an industry declaring what's "in" write now. It's odd, and it's okay to question the whole thing. If this is you, try Project 333...

I'm not saying don't wear brands, sometimes especially with sports, it's hard not to IE dirt-bikes, snow
boarding, even surfing. But don't get wrapped up in it, you know to the point where your shaving it into your head!

Yes, I'm a bit on a soap-box, 

but I'll hop off now and talk to you about the power clothes can have over you. I'm going to speak very deeply to you now.  I'm sorry if I offend you, I sincerely want you to feel and look your best.

What are you wearing, and why?

Are you:
Project 333...

Are you wearing mom jeans?  Do your jeans have elastic and your under the age of 60? Let me guess, they are a faded blue denim type substance called "jeans" but there much softer than jeans aren't they? There really like pajamas.  Do you wear kitten sweatshirts, sweetly padding a ball of yarn?  Can I tell what Holiday it is, by your outfit. Oh, I guess it's Halloween look at your adorable orange sweatshirt with a kitten in a black cat costume, isn't that funny! NO, no it's not.  It sucks, for lack of a better word, and your to young for that, I promise you, if your eighty, your to young for that!

What about the muffin wear.  Okay I'm not being mean. This is actually the group I feel the most passion for, the group of the women, that are so comfortable with their body they will wear outfits two sizes to small and it will be very obvious, yet it's all good.  Muffin-top was coined for this category.  To tight of shirts showing strangers every aspect of their body.  Shorts that are two short for the heavier body type.  Oh' and they will work it! That's right honey, take a good look. If this is you, you are the hardest to deal with, because your thinking it's not you. Your thinking that your have it right, your thinking about someone else that might have this problem, because you look goooood! Project 333, is for you, you just don't know it yet...
There is also the women in the muffin wear category that are not like the above women, in that they are aware they don't fit great in there clothes yet they will anyway because, they are in denial about there actual size. They dress for the literal size they are. I'm literally a 10. I fit into a size 10, and I can't breathe in this 10. O' Lord, don't let me drop something, I cannot bend over in this skin-tight, ten, but I refuse to go up a size because I'm a 10 damn it! Or maybe your a 12, and that's okay. Because the 12 will actually fit you. The twelve will sit nice on your legs, cover areas that you may not enjoy, and you want to know that best part about dressing for you size???? You'll look smaller! Yep you will give the illusion that you are a ten, when your a 12 wearing the correct size. This goes for any size. I'm just using the American women's averages. If your clothes are ill fitting try Project 333...

     And last but not least, and this is going to be as personal as how women fits into clothes.  Are you dressed well? Are your clothes the right fit for you, and do you really look good? You'll know because you probably have common sense and you get compliments.  But, what about your credit cards? You know where I'm going with this.  Do you really have the money to have as many shoes as you do? Do you have to much of everything and your bank statements show it.  You don't have to answer this.

The reason why I point out women's fashion problems, or credit history. The reason why I'm passionate about minimizing my life from consumerism, is because the second, and I mean the second. I realized that I wont be buying "stuff" anymore. I lost 100 metaphorical pounds.  I was so light and free of the idea of not buying into buying! It was so freeing to not want... I don't really want anything, that means I have nothing to buy. That means my money can be spent on cooler things like...Property, or travel. I embraced minimalism because I wanted too. I wasn't forced into the idea. Our house is by no means the most minimalist "although I'm trying to get there." I have lots of cosmetics, more than other people I bet.  But I never just buy stuff anymore.  I think my purchases through. I'm not interested in nick-knacks. I don't want clutter. I want clean spaces, with simple furniture. I want to have room to breathe and move in my own home. I want less to clean. I want less to purchase. I want to have less choices.  I don't want to be a slave to credit card debt. I want to use my time of restlessness when I usually shop, to instead learn, or move my body, or play with my child, or laugh with my husband. I'm getting less stuff, but I'm getting so much more out of life. 

This translates to my house. It starts with my closet. I have pieces of clothes that flatter my body. I feel good and happy when wearing these items. I feel pretty, light, comfortable. People compliment me. The look is timeless and appropriate for "my" age.  When something wears out of my items, I replace it with a new item as needed.

This concept moves into every room of my house.  It follows me when I go to the store, which I tend to do less often.

These concepts have changed my life, and so I'm sharing it with you...Embrace it or don't. I will not judge you. I will only love you.  Please enjoy following the links of all mentioned ideas, blogs, and personal websites. Thank you!

~Love Monique...

1 comment:

  1. Nice to be visiting your blog again, it has been months for me. Well this article that i’ve been waited for so long. I need this article to complete my assignment in the college, and it has same topic with your article. Thanks, great share. 333 meaning
